Wednesday, April 20, 2011


To many people, Soup is something warm and tasty. Comforting and the little extra something that makes one feels better while sick.
However what most people do not realize. What their brains fail at doing.
is noticing the complexities of this "Soup" they gulp down without a second thought.

Though I, maybe it is due to my highly developed sense of what is right, or my super human intelligence, or possibly because I have no life and therefore have time to think of such things....
I realize that in fact, without a shadow of a doubt... that Soup is simply confusing and should not exist.
Now, hear me out, just because I just escaped from the loony bin doesn’t mean I don’t have some sense in me

But really, honestly think... what is soup? Its s liquid... that you eat? How is that possible? It’s like chewing water and calling it food, it just doesn't work.
I mean really, it’s a liquid so you drink it therefore it is not considered a food in my opinion.
Upon realizing my confusion I asked around to see how any of this works..

me- "how do you eat soup??"
person- "with a spoon" [gives me weird look]
me- "but with a spoon you still drink it, just in small mouth full’s but it’s still drinking... so how is that eating?"
person-".......well it has chunks in it that you have to chew..."
me-"your still drinking, there are dinks with things in it like ice, but you still don't consider that a food, do you?"
person- "... your an idiot"

After having several conversations such as these, I realized that everyone had been deeply tricked into thinking that Soup and all of its liquidness was a food..
I often stare at it and try to come up with some logical explanation for it...
But then realize that it is not my failings for coming up with an explanation; it is simply because there is none.

Soup is confusing, and should not exist.
End out story.

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