Sunday, January 9, 2011

Playing Cards

Unlike most families, who bake each other cookies, or express their love in complements, My family is very threatening...
In playing games, most families, "normal" families, Laugh, carryon and encourage each other when someone has made a good move...
MY family on the other hand, is loud, shouting, often threatening the life of the person who is winning, laugh and bring up little, generally retarded jokes that honestly make no sense, but cause cascades of laughter, howling, crying, and the beating of heads on the table.

Quite recently when my sister and brother in law were visiting we played the ultimate game in my house hold. The game that strikes fear into others, unknowing hearts, when played by us. But is the game that we all crave to play..PHILADELPHIA RUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        This game includes 5 hands of torture and about 29 good 'healthy' guilt trips
as we were playing, my sister started telling a story... I cannot recall the actual story but it ends up where we are all going "gaaaaaauhhhhhhhhh" like those long necked creatures from the Black Crystal.... all of us creating a harmony with our "gaaaauhhhhhhh" I realized at that point that my family was both very strange [as if i didn't realize that before] but also that we were fairly musical, all blending together like that.... hmmm we could be that strangely musical family! Though I doubted that my brother or father would go for that...
    And after that thought had been shared with the evil older sister, it caused much more laughter

Now my brother in law, Tyler, has decided that I am a "cheater" and so whenever it was my turn or I was talking bout the game, he'd shout "its cuz you R A CHEEEEATERRRR" and I would retaliate and then the rest of them [that family of mine] would join in... And sitting across from my brother, he grabbed my leg with his and proceeded to pull me under the table... As I began to flail around trying to escape the fate of Under the Table.
          My sister, that traitor, helped the process; it was only by sheer will power that kept me from Under the Table.
And as the night progresses, my family began to revert to the usual jokes, [in which I am generally the punch line…] and the normal death threats of  “we’d better take a picture of your face so you remember what it looks like =P ” and the “OH IF YOU GO DOWN!!!!!”

And after the various squabbles and the game was finish we went left the room and watched some show and from there continued to make fun of me…
And just like that, a turtle walked by

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