Monday, May 16, 2011

you know whats retarted.... Metal spoons

So whose bright idea was it to make metal spoons?
I mean really? Its metal it contracts heat... so why do we eat with them??? I just do not understand

I mean, you put your spoon in a bowl of soup [if you eat soup... even though it’s too confusing for words...]
And then all of the sudden your hand is burning cuz your spoon got hot, cuz hey, it’s made of metal!

And when you’re making your herbal tea and your string it, or if you accidently leave your spoon in the tea while its seeping... don't bother picking it up... unless you want YOUR HAND TO BURN LIKE ITS ON FIRE!!!! Because your metal spoon it’s really retarded

but you know... it can get bad the other way too, lets say you’re eating ice-cream and then you get up to do something and like most sensible people you leave your spoon in your ice-cream bowl so that, your spoon doesn't get dirty... well guess what

When you come back...


And your hand freezes off... it’s not a very pleasant scenario... though the coldness does feel good on the burn that you acquired earlier... it is still very painful

All because some retarded person had the bright idea to make metal spoons.... 

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